Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Tuesday, 13 December 2022: Progresso

 Today was girls day out.  Julie and I went to a sip and paint with Janet and Kathy.  The artist who hosted the even is Canadian; she’s conducting the work to raise funds for a local soup kitchen.  What a fun time.  I’m not sure what she did in her first life but I’d lay odds she wasn’t a teacher.  At one point she was trying to get Julie’s attention but couldn’t remember her name.  She said something along the lines of “…no, the one who can’t do it.”  Another time she told Julie just to move over and she took the brush from her hand.  Janet sumized that Julie was on the short bus.  Also, not politically correct, but we were ready for a laugh. 

Janet drove to Progresso. 
The guys at the guard shack actually looked in the back of our car.
No off season fish; instead they found an angel food cake and some brownies.  


Meanwhile, Justin got a new phone from Mario!!!  It’s a Chinese phone and Justin likes the cameras.  Meanwhile we wait for the screen from China.

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