Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Thursday, 24 November 2022: Matehuala to Puebla.

Happy thanksgiving!!!  No turkey and dressing for us today so we will need to plan to celebrate with our favorite foods later. For now, like Julie Andrews counting her blessings, I could start giving thanks for my many blessings and be in Celestún before I got finished. I am indeed blessed.Justin drove all day yesterday so today was my turn. While at our first stop for coffee Justin spied street food breakfast. We had a feast of stewed chicken and pork with rice, beans and tortillas. Heaven!!  We haven’t had guacamole or margaritas yet but we are getting closer.
These guys are delivering a new frig

Our stay at Villa Magnolias was disappointing. They’ve switched to only monthly rentals now. I’d worked with Andres through text and although he said he was willing to accommodate us that fell short in the roll out. Our room wasn’t ready when we arrived at 6pm, our frig didn’t work, there was no microwave, the internet didn’t work and the list goes on. I doubt we will stay here again.  Thankfully Katherine’s room was ok.

We all met in our room for wine/beer/snacks for dinner for a couple of hours. I slept like a rock.

I feel compelled to mention that Tom, Katherine’s traveling companion, is a former beau.  They dated for maybe 10 months a few years ago.  During that short time he bought a house in Merida.  Although she says she told him not to buy it for her, he probably did and now he wants to sell it.  He agreed to come along on the trip with her probably to get that ball rolling, or perhaps to see if there what’s anything else that might look like a future for them.  Well, not so much.  Our purpose in pushing Katherine to have someone with her was not only to have another body in the car, but also to have someone to share driving with, to have someone to talk to, etc.  Katherine didn’t like Tom’s driving, didn’t like his navigating (she wouldn’t turn on her phone to have cell service), maybe she just didn’t like Tom.  I saw one explosion and I feared she’d leave him on the side of the road.  Wow!!!

And, Katherine’s mini-van was truly packed.  Tessa had a spot high up in between the two seats that actually afforded her a great place to look out. The only place for Louie, the French bulldog Katherine picked up only two days before leaving, was on the passenger floor board.  Right at Tom’s feet.  Not good.  Did I mention that this was a shit-show?

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