Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Thursday 15 December 2023: Casa Colibri

      Workers took down the palapa on the way to the roof today.  It will be nice to have that replaced and more welcoming. 

Hugo continues the finishing work in the family suite.  The concrete floors and counters didn’t turn out as uniform as we had hoped.  Neither one of us is happy with the finished product but… it is what it is..Justin has always wanted to garden in the tropics and here he can.  The big difference between here and in Green Bay is that here, he can wave his magic wand, and Abraham will make it happen.  In GB, Justin has to do all the work himself.  And that means me too most often.  

Carole and Susan, friends of our neighbors in the French Quarter, were visiting in Celestun.  Their "rig" was too large to fit through Marie Francois' gate so they'd been parking at the beach.  They didn't feel safe to leave the doors or windows open at night so they weren't getting any sleep. Casa Colibri to the rescue; we trimmed a branch or two and ran an extension cord and invited the ladies in for a toast.  They plan to be here for a few weeks.  

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