Monday, April 10, 2023

 Monday, 7 November 2022: El Sarape

We met Ric for lunch, thinking we were saying goodbye, again.  This was the only time we’ve been to El Sarape all season.  We do get pretty darned good Mexican food during the winter.  

We’ve decided that Justin’s old phone will be our Mexican phone.  Just need to get a new SIM card and I’ve learned they can be eSIM cards now.  Who’d a thunk it?  Meanwhile, my old phone goes to Caleb and my old iPad goes to Dellene.  I gave her an iPad a hundred years ago in Hawaii. I’ve had three more since then.  Let’s hope she can eke out just a little more life from this one.  

Dellene is totally psyched about her trip to Italy with Lorayne.  Dellene will be gone for two weeks but Lorayne will stay for a month.  How fun!  

In continuing to wrap things up, we sold our outdoor propane heater.  Jordan bought it for us about  four years ago at a rummage sale.  He paid maybe $20.  We sold it on marketplace for $40.  Pretty good investment…wish the stock market was performing that well.

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