Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Thursday, 1 December 2022: Mayapan


Bill came to Merida to join a weeklong archaeological excursion.  He arrived two days early quite keen on visiting Mayapan.  We decided to tag along.  Thankfully Julie decided to go too.  Initially she thought it might be too much after her travel day yesterday but she was on-board this morning. It was great to get to visit this site with Bill.  His depth of knowledge ensures a different type of visit than if we were just wondering around on our own. After a full morning, we were back in the thick of things in Merida centro. Gemma stayed home with the big dogs for this journey so we were comfy at Hotel Reforma.  Julie ventured off on her own while Bill, Justin and I headed to Chaya Maya for dinner before Bill found his way back to the Hyatt.

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