Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Sunday, 4 December 2022: Celestun.

I really liked the structure in the
center of the indoor garden at the hotel.
Breakfast with Dave and Susan — the world looks better after a good nights sleep.  Me, not so much.  I had an intestinal event.  Dang!  I hadn’t felt up to snuff yesterday and now I know why.
We sent Dave and Susan to explore in the grand plaza while we went to the technological center.  The guy at our little stall (think souks in Morocco), initially told us he could get a new screen for Justin’s phone. Justin hadn’t had any confidence and sure, ‘nufff, no screen.  Argh!!! 
Julie found her way to Boston’s on her own.  I am so proud of her…
At Boston’s we found none of our Packer friends and no game but we did meet Mario and Raul, Eagle fans and Mexcal aficionados.  Susan and I escaped to go to Chedraui and while we were gone, dang it if the Packers didn’t beat the Bears!!!
We left all our guests for one more night in Merida and headed home…alone.  Julie would find her way home on the bus the following day…dang that girl is up for an adventure.  Dave and Susan would see some ruins and a cenote with a private driver before finding their way to Celestun tomorrow. 

Julie left her bag in her room and was panicking. 
She called and I was able to rest her fears.  

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