Monday, April 10, 2023

Sunday, 6 November 2022: Hartung


Packers lost to the Lions; is this still fun?  No, I’m not a fair-weather fan.  I just like it better when we are winning.  

Weather is perfect. Thankfully.  I finished raking leaves during halftime and Justin mowed after the game.  Doing yard work in Wisconsin is so, so different from what we endure in Texas.  
Katherine has been delayed.  She’s had household good in storage at a friend's house for a couple of years.  I guess the friend has had enough and has told her to get her stuff out.  She's got a container and a house trailer and a car plus who knows what.  All this means a delay … we keep telling her not to worry since the further delay allows us to get our projects done.  

I hooked up our smart thermostat all by myself.  Ric commented that is “wasn’t that difficult” — well, that was the gauntlet thrown down.  If Ric can do it, so can I.  Well, we are up and running.  

I’ve been rolling up carpets and trying to wrap things up in the house while Justin continues to build the garden shed.  There is a bit of ground hog day going on right now.  

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