Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Friday, 9 December 2022: airport in Merida

We bid farewell to Dave and Susan.  Their trip was TOO short.  Chichen itza, Uxmal and a cenote swim, flamingoes, a boat ride to Sisal (too long) and a trip to Satuta de Peon (Susan said this was a highlight).  Traditional Yucatacan fare in Celestun and in Merida and shrimp and grits at Casa Colibri. What a delightful visit!  Where will we connect with those funsters next?

We stayed at the Gran Hotel which is in the same square with Mansions and Hotel Caribe.  I was tickled pink to learn that the parking at The GranHotel is the same parking lot we’ve been visiting frequently when we go onto the technological area in Merida.  Jesus was willing to wash our car again and it so needed the attention. The latest on phone front for Justin is that we are waiting for a screen from China…yes, we were told “…I have a guy who can bring one…two weeks.”  We wait.  Justin did get a loaner phone but…puleez.

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