Sunday, November 4, 2018

Thursday, 11 October 2018: Brussels

Jackie’s Hair Post shares the building with the Brussels Post Office. Since a haircut was the first thing on my list for today I stopped in the post office to say hello to Pennie Postmaster before checking in with Pennie Hairdresser. Then on to see AnneMarie who is recovering from hip surgery. My visit was part to play Florence Nightingale and to help make grape jelly. While canning and preserving aren’t my thing, I did have a good time visiting. At some point AnneMarie told me I was going to turn into Becky, Home Ecy.  Oh, my goodness, I’ve been that Becky for quite a while now.  

Justin met Steve Lineaus in Sturgeon Bay to get the Bayliner winterized and a bit of electronics work done.  Of course it needed to be bailed one more time for good measure.  Jordan will pick up from there and get it into storage in a week or so.

 Michael pummeled Mexico Beach. John and Mary have only a slab.
They say they might need to stop referring to super hurricanes as “natural “disasters.
The stock market has fallen for two days straight.  Trump blames the fed for raising interest rates.  

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