Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Sunday, 11 November 2018: Merida

Laura and her peeps left about 2pm on Friday and Justin and I headed to Merida.  We packed for two nights so we could get more of our chores completed.  For me the top thing on the list is a washer.  Lea had reasonable success when she sent some things out to the lavanderia in Celestun so I’ll do the same when we get back home.  There are at least five set of sheets and a dozen towels waiting as well as clothes and kitchen towels from the last week.  I need a washer! 

 “Buen fin” is a country wide sale that starts next week. Inspired by Black Friday, Buen Fin was started in 2011 to boost the economy and the quality of life.  The timing is just before the celebration of the Mexican Revolution.  Formally translated “El Buen Fin de Semana” or “ The Good Weekend” gets mixed reviews as some say while the sales may attract North American shoppers especially on the border towns, many typical local people find themselves in debt with monthly payments that go on and on.

Dinner at Chaya Maya was delicious.

After a hearty breakfast in our new hotel, Casa Carmita, we spent all day on Saturday shopping.  Fernandez, Sams, Sears and the Pier One that is located inside and we checked out Costco.  We checked out refrigerators and washers but decided to wait until next week for the sales.  Gemma spent the day in the cool hotel room and that was a good idea.  At one point we saw 96’ and we felt every degree of the heat. 

Our car was almost full but we set out again.  

We saw Sandra and Peter at Sams. They just returned from Miami and were making a quick stop before returning to Celestun. I told Sandra I just bought a yoga mat so I was ready for Pilates. 

Pedro and Aracilia made pozole from Rob and Laura's dried corn.  My oh my!

DInner on their last evening at La Palapa.  
Pedro was cleaning up in triaminos.

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