Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Monday, 5 November 2018: Casa Colibri

Rob and Laura were supposed to arrive in Merida about 5:30am after an 18 hour bus trip from Oaxaca.  After a quick bite and then driving to Celestun, that would have put them here around eight am.  Our first official guest!  We got up early and tidied up around the house.  You are never done but when we got a message from Lea letting us know that the bus was delayed until 10am, we stopped to go swimming.
The house and the rooms are as ready as they can be -- time to go swimming.  

Our seven guests arrived about one in the afternoon.  After hellos and a bit of getting settled they headed to the beach.  Rob and Laura’s friends Pedro, Aricelia and nine year old son, Pedro have never been on a family vacation and Pedro has never been to the beach.  Justin went with them while I took a bit of a siesta.  

We set out on our walk along the beach as we’d all planned on dinner at Los Pampanos.  Maybe half way there we realized Gemma wasn’t with us.  She’d taken herself on a little walk-about by herself.  Justin and I turned around and headed back leaving our guests on their own.  Justin stayed on the beach and I headed up to the road to double our search base.  Gemma found Justin pretty quickly and they both found me soon after.    Aargh!!
Our dinner was great and our walk home was uneventful.  

Here in Celestun the temp is 81 with a low expected tonight of 75.  In Brussels WI it is 44 with a low of 41.  Friday the low is expected to be 21!

Abraham and Jonathan assembled fans for all the rooms.  

We brought lemon grass from Charlsey and Harold's in Alvin.  The roots look fine and healthy.  
I look forward to using that to ward off mosquitoes.  

Tomorrow is Election Day and while that might be the biggest thing going for some people, the biggest thing going for us is that Aholi is coming tomorrow,  I haven’t had a massage in the longest and I am ready to see her!

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