Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Monday, 12 November 2018: Casa Colibri

Here in Celestun we go to bed quite early partly to avoid mosquitoes and partly because we eat dinner quite early.  The restaurants on the beach close when the sun goes down.  I’ve got the coffee set to come on at 6:30 am and I probably should change it to 6:00am but that just seems wrong to get up that early.  Justin just doesn’t sleep at night. So, this morning I got up and started playing with our new treasures.  We left a house full of dirty sheets and towels and somehow it is ok that they wait until we have a washer.

And, speaking of Justin's sleep... we need distilled water for his CPAP machine.  I've looked everywhere with no luck.  I started looking in the grocery stores and they set me to the pharmacy.  One farmacia sent me to another.  I've looked everywhere!  I did some research online.  Some say they always use tap water while others warn of inhaling all those heavy metals.  I'll keep looking.

This would have been a three day weekend — wonder where we would have gone had we still been in Europe.  Maybe south of France?  Maybe ???

Justin went swimming twice in celebration .  He figures that any day you can go swimming is a good day and any day you can go swimming twice, is fabulous.  

Ivan and Jonathan came by.  Before they left we had electricity in what will be our quarters as well as plans for new lighting in the courtyard and extra switches for the lights at the gate and several places throughout the house.  Ok, there is more to this story.  These two guys arrived about 10:30 or 11:00am. Justin took them to the hardware store for supplies about noon.  He spent about MXP 420 ($21).  They came back to our house and worked until a bit after 5:00pm.  The total charge for labor was MXP 500 ($25). And we have electricity in our quarters!!!

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