Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Saturday, 3 November 2018: Celestún

We spent the last two days tossing and scrubbing and tossing and scrubbing.  There is so much crap to get rid of.  We’ve both been looking forward to these tasks but it is a mountain of work. Abraham has been right along side us working just as hard.  While we are preparing the guest rooms for occupancy we are setting up the owners quarters to be our own.  But wait, the toilet in there doesn’t work as neither does the electricity.  Pauli, the electrician came by.  Had he heard we were trying to talk to another guy?  We wanted to give Ishmael’s electrician and his plumber a try.  I really don’t care, I just want it to work.  No matter, Pauli says we need to buy a tester when we are in Merida next week and we will see.  

We got a note from Lea.  She said she and Bennie had decided to stay in Merida for the weekend so everyone will arrive on Monday morning.  I gave her a list of my favorite things to do and places to go in Merida.  I am sure they would have been fine -- Merida is such a fun city.  Justin and I took time for a swim before Robbie came over for a drink before dinner at El Lobo.  Justin had spaghetti and I had a burger.  We’d never been to this restaurant before.  The owners Paschal and Sol are close friends of Robbie’s.  We will be sure to go there again.  

Meanwhile, the midterms are getting closer and Venice is flooding.  My biggest concerns seem mundane comparatively.  

Abraham wanted to take three of the old beds to Tetiz as well as some other items that I had destined for the rubbish bin.  His friend showed up with a truck and filled 'er up.  The two little boys each took a suitcase and left with an ear-to-ear grin.

I spent too much of the day working on keys.  
Keys to what? 
I don't know yet but I've got keys!

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