Sunday, November 4, 2018

Tuesday, 16 October 2018: Brussels

Randy’s funeral was held this morning.  This made for my third funeral this summer and that’s enough.  First Kris’ grandpa, then Dick, AnneMarie’s boyfriend and now Randy, Jason’s father.  I was really touched when, standing in the receiving line waiting to talk to Jason and Amy, I heard their kids say “Justin and Paula are here.”  We will be back in May in time for their birthday party.

Erich had spent the night at Jordan’s because he didn’t want to wake up Finn again. Brody and Jonas were still awake when he got home from the game and apparently that made for a rough morning getting Jonas off to school.  We met Erich and the boys with at April’s for lunch before saying our goodbyes for the season.  I told Erich he couldn’t leave without taking all the goods from the frig and freezer.  

My last hash brown sandwich breakfast for the season!
Jack, April's nephew enticing Brody and Finn to play

Finn and Brody tell Captain Grandpa "Adios"

I set off for Sturgeon Bay for laundry one last time.  We don’t have a dryer in Celestun but we do have a washer.  Just like so many other things doing laundry looks totally differently in Celestún. 
Justin worked on packing and the garage.  By the time I got home the EOS was inside as were the boat and the tractor.  Justin headed to Windjammers to meet Chris who will winterize Emerald and Merlin.  That left me to roll up hoses and finish in the yard, wrap up cushions on the couch and cover the windows. Pack?  Oh, yes, I did that too.
Jason called to vent about his sister and the way she is coping with division of property and responsibilities.  Yes, there are advantages to being an only child.  

When Justin got home, he told me he had sold  Emerald to Chris.  All along he has said  that she is just “Too much boat to junk.”  I am glad Chris was interested; he has asked Justin to sponsor him as a new member at Windjammers and to teach him to sail.   I think he and Justin will make a great team.

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