Sunday, November 4, 2018

Friday, 26 October 2018: Celestun

We didn’t get started in the middle of the night — thankfully.  We didn’t even set an alarm.  Instead, we still woke up early and Justin had time to groom Gemma before we started the last leg of our journey.  As we were getting into the car Justin asked me if I was Happy with my footwear.  What a man!  He knew I had on closed toed shoes and he suspected, rightly, that I'd want sandals for the beach.  I am a lucky girl!
At Dellene’s suggestion I had Willie Nelson at the ready on Pandora with “On The Road Again”.  We listened to Willie and friends for a while as we clicked away the miles on the five to six hour trip.

Today was a day for the senses.  Early in the drive the smell of the gulf tickled at my nose.  The Great Lakes may be “great” but they don’t smell like the Gulf.  Later, with the sight of sunset in Celestun, the sound of the waves lapping at the shore and the flavor of my first margarita  — the crisp, acidic, cold deliciousness — with the feel of sand beneath my toes.  Oh my!!!

Abram planted impatients all around on the grounds.  They look great!
It was great to reconnect with Abram. The grounds and the house look great.  It was surreal to walk in to see this house through the eyes of owner.  Three of the four dogs came to great us, even Chukmul, the black one.  Colula was there as was Mochi but not Chuchuk who is so, so timid.  After a bit of wondering around I asked Abram about Annie, our favorite cat.  He said she died a couple of months ago probably from a scorpion bite in her neck.  Strange that both our favorite cat and our favorite dog, Charlie, aren’t around any more.  Yes, both pigs are still here.  Rudinia and Keken both live to snort another day.

Edgar our favorite waiter at
Los Pamanos
We ventured down to our favorite restaurant for dinner and a beverage before we went to check in on Ishmael to see if he can meet our need for beds and mattresses.  We need four king sized beds and mattresses right now.  We’ll shop in Merida for mattresses but get beds locally. We’ve got mountains of work to do before our first guests arrive on 3 November but for now, we are calling it a day.  We left Wisconsin eight days ago and here we are in our own bed in our own house in Celestun... and all is well.

Our first sunset of the season in Celestun
Pulled into Celestun with 24,266 miles on our odometer; 3,444 miles since we left Wisconsin; 1,681 since we left Cotulla.  1,563 since crossing the border in Nuevo Laredo.

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