Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tuesday, 6 November 2018: Celestún

Justin has been doing research on gardens.  He was particularly interested in La Selva Mariposa a small BnB in Macario Gomez near Tulum.  They done lots of tropical gardens that seemed to catch his eye.  I am writing about this her because in a few weeks when he asks me about it I can look it up.

Aholi came; she’s pregnant! She will get married in December with a small family only ceremony.  The baby is due in March so we will get the meet the new little one.  Her massage is still the best!

Pedro was cooking breakfast while I had my massage.  Almost everyone was finished by the time I was done but they’d saved a plate for me.  What a treat to have this meal prepared for me in our own home.  YUMMY!

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