Sunday, November 4, 2018

Tuesday, 23 October 2018: crossed the boarder and into Saltillo

We made sure to mail Justin’s ballot before we crossed the border. Actually, we left it with a guy just north of the border in a toll booth since there was no other choice at the border. We had waited too long... or do we thought. As it turned out we had to go back ... TWICE!  We drive to Puente Columbia, just west of Nuevo Laredo to the place we like to cross. When we were in line, we learned that we didn’t have the registration for the car. I didn’t know; I am sure it is filed away safely in Brussels. Fortunately because the car is registered in Texas we were able to go cross the border back to the US and drive to Laredo and get a copy. Ok, here we go. Got a copy and crossed the border south again and this time in line I see that it is not my name on the top of that registration paper. What!  Back north to the city hall and then back south yet again. Yes, it was still raining and yes, each time we sit in the queue and each time we pay a toll. At one point Justin said “Tell the cartel to just take me now.”  I wasn’t having any fun but he was just miserable. 

Finally at 3:25pm we were in Nuevo Laredo, we had crossed the border south three times and were putting the sticker on our car.  Our odometer read 22,703 miles.  We were finally on our way.

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