Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Wednesday, 7 November 2018: Merida

Rob, Laura, et al planned to go see flamingoes today  That left Justin and me to go into Merida to see Anthony and start the process for our permanent residency cards.
At one point as he was explaining the paperwork which of course is all written in Spanish, he actually said “... all the legal blah blah, blah...”. My goodness.  

Driving into town we passed a store that sold yard features.  We were particularly interested in a large fountain.  (2,900 MXP. including the base.)  To note for later, the address was Calle 47 (or Calle 61). at Av Merida 2000
Pedestal pots. $12.50.  Huge pots. 850

We stopped for a quick lunch at a sushi restaurant.  It wasn't quite right but, hey... it's Mexico.  It was a quick trip for us and we were headed back home before we knew it.

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