Sunday, August 21, 2016

Neyland, Pembrokeshire, Wales: 16 July 2016
Day 16

We awoke to a rainy, cold, gloomy weather today so it was ever so easy to stay in bed.  Our flat is in an old building that the owners are refurbishing a bit at a time.  They have a permanent tenant on the first floor and our flat on the third and fourth.  They are working on readying the second floor and then they will start to work on the second half of the building that seems to mirror this half.  They have their work cut out for them. 

Justin's cold is getting the better of him but he is trying to be a trouper.  I worked on paperwork while he tried to get better.  I am continuing my challenge with USPS to change our address.  Seems that in order to change your address from an APO/FPO address, you must have a .mil or a .gov email address and I have neither.  And, the only way to change your address is to do it online.  I started this process before we left Germany with no success.  The battle continues.  Dellene is handling our mail for now, but I know that is a huge burden.  There are several mail services that will notify you and then you get them to scan, forward or delete.  I think we will check into that after we get back to the states.
I also worked on getting this journal into a format where I can share.  I think I created a blog this morning but as yet, I haven't figured our how to share it... small steps.
We went to the local grocery store this afternoon and bought a rotisserie chicken and fresh green beans and broccoli for dinner.  The fresh fruit was oh, so tempting.  Cherries, apricots, strawberries and bananas all found their way home with us.  We watched "Teacher's Pet" this evening ...a Doris Day / Clark Gable b/w oldie.  I am totally taking advantage of this time ... and loving it!

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