Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dugi Rat, Croatia: 18 August 2016
Day 49

We are having internet problems in our flat.  Stipe, our host, indicated he had a plan for a short-term remedy but we haven't seem much relief yet.
There was a band on the beach last night that played ALL night long.  Well, probably not all night, but about 2:15 I got up and turned on the AC thinking that would muffle the sound enough to sleep.  The were probably a pretty good band, but nothing is that good in the middle of the night. 

We drove south to Omis today.  Dugi Rat is located partway between Omis and Split.  The traffic was miserable just to get there.  Ok, maybe miserable, but more than we wanted to endure.  What can you expect on a two lane road right on the beach in the middle of summer?  We didn't find too much to write home about, but we did find a fruit stand when we got there and had some of the best watermelon I've had in a couple of years! We also found a place to rent a boat so we will keep that in mind for one day soon.

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