Sunday, August 28, 2016

Paris, France: 5 August 2016
Day 36

Before school was out, we asked Lorayne if she wanted to go to Paris and Versailles with us and she said yes.  Knowing that she had just returned from the states, I wasn't surprised when she didn't really want to go.  Jet lag won this round.  Fortunately, Eileen was willing and eager to make the road trip.  Eileen came to pick us up at 9am.  We went first to Jurbise to see about our train tickets for Monday but we had no luck buying international tickets.  I need to try on line or to call them.  It was about a three hour drive to Versailles. 

Lorayne and Eileen knew from Facebook that the  AiChangs had been in Paris last week and initially they thought they were already gone.  After an exchange of emails and phone numbers, Brian and I were texting as we pulled into our parking space in Versailles.  There was a bit of confusion as they too were in Versailles.  Christina cleared it all up when she said "we are about four minutes from you."  Of all the gin joints in all the world ... How crazy was that that we were able to meet for lunch?  We could have planned for months and not done any better.  Brian and Christina treated Justin, Eileen and me to lunch at their hotel, the Grand Triton Waldorf Astoria located at the Queens Gate into the gardens at Versailles.  What good fortune to be able to meet and spend time together!  Kathlyn was there too; the crew was headed to pick up Alex from soccer camp right after lunch.  Brian told Justin that we really need to plan to get to Mumbai this winter but I doubt we will fit it in just yet. 

After lunch, at Versailles we went first to Marie Antoinette's hamlet and then, through the gardens to Versailles Palace.  The extensive gardens are grandiose and extensive!  I was a bit disappointed that the water fountains were not going.  And, by the way, the petite palace wasn't petite at all.

We got on the road to Paris, and when checking into our hotel we found that we didn't have reservations.  Yes, I had booked us at Hotel Des Carmes in Rouen not in Paris.  Fortunately, our quaint little hotel in the Latin Quarter had rooms available and the worst thing that happened was that I couldn't get a refund for the Rouen rooms.  Of all the reservations I've made lately for hotels, AirBnB, museums, theater, etc... If this is the only mistake I make, we are doing fine.

After receiving a recommendation from local German/ American expats we had dinner at La Porte Pot. Delicious duck! You really can expect nothing less in Paris, right?  On the way home we saw several hundred roller bladers.  With police escorts the skaters proceed through the 5th arrondissement every Friday evening. We were again simply at the right place at the right time.

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