Sunday, August 21, 2016

Corwen, Wales: 30 July 2016
Day 30

Our last full day in Wales.  We had an, ok, I'll own it, typically late start after reading Money magazines and lazing around.  We went to a local pub for lunch and to check email before we headed to the Glass Blobbery.  The craftsman was at work making faireys.  Several items might have been tempting but traveling with glass is not where I need to head right now.  On our drive back home we passed over a very old and very narrow stone bridge.  Sometimes when I see things like this (with no right-of-way sings or signals) or roads with no shoulders, I think of how this would be in the States.  I often just shake my head.  Back in Cobweb Cottage, we had a glass of wine in our garden after a nice long walk in the neighboring farms.  We will hit the road in the morning to head back to England and begin the next leg of the journey.

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