Sunday, August 21, 2016

Swindon, England:  31 July 2016
Day 31

We headed out of Cobweb Cottage by about 9am and headed toward Stratford-upon-Avon.  We didn't get very far because we got totally sidetracked in the precious town of Llangollen.  Along the River Dee, this is the cutest little resort town.  Lots of shops were opened on this Sunday and dogs were allowed almost everywhere.  We walked along the river and visited a few shops before we had a fabulous turkey, dressing and cranberry sauce sandwich.  Later, we hit the road for Stratford-upon-Avon where it was all about the bard.  Taking advantage of being Will's birthplace and being buried here too, the quite touristy town was the perfect backdrop for a boat ride along the Avon River and a leisurely stroll through a weekend market before we began the business of the day.  Shakespeare's will, usually in the National Archives, was on display this summer in celebration of the 400 year anniversary.  Our timing was perfect as the will is in Stratford-upon-Avon for four more days.  We were able to visit not only the family home where Shakespeare was born, and Halls's Croft, the house where his daughter was born and grew up but also Harvard House, the Elizabethan cottage owned by the benefactors that started Harvard University.  These are incredible, stately homes that offer insight into the times and the way of life for the very rich.   At the end of our tour in the gift shop, we were tempted by "Shakesbear" toys for little ones as well as "Shakesbeer" for those a bit older. 
Into Swindon for the evening -- a quick stop at our hotel as tomorrow will be all about stones!
Garden in the back of Shakespeare's Home

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