Monday, August 29, 2016

Krakow, Poland: 12 August 2016
Day 43

On the road to drive to Kraków.  Today's drive was a bit over five hours.  Thankfully the weather was great.  There was lots of construction on the roads once we got outside of Prague and that slowed our progress significantly.  While I drove Justin read articles from International Living and from Money magazine.  Justin started reading aloud to me long ago and on this trip we've been working our way through old copies of these now well-travelled magazines.  Later, while Justin drove I started reading aloud Steven Hawking's "A Brief History of Time."  This will take a day or two...
Our AirBnB home for the next three nights is a third floor walk up right off the Vistula River.  After settling in we started on a grocery store run (we need laundry detergent) and found a sushi restaurant.  A bit more wandering around and we saw that we are right in the heart of the Jewish quarter.  Menus looked ever so inviting!  We settled on Israeli fare for dinner; the sign on the wall reads "make hummus not war."  Perfect ending to a banner good day.



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