Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dugi Rat, Croatia: 20 August 2016
Day 51

Thanks to the Kaiserslautern Administrators who gave me a generous retirement gift that I promised was earmarked for a boating experience, Justin and I rented an open 15' run-about with a center console and a Bimini and went out to explore today.  We thought about going around the island that we see off our shore in Dugi Rat so we headed that way.  After a bit where I even had my turn at the helm, we stopped for lunch at Stars Uljara, in the village of Povlja on the island of Brac.  When we asked the waitress the name of the island, she laughed.  She asked "you are here and you don't even know where?"  Yep, that about summed it up.  We had delicious fresh fish and Justin's favorite octopus salad.  We anchored off the island closer to home on a great sandy beach and went for a swim and short walk.  After a full afternoon
on the water we headed back and spent just a bit more time on the beach before heading back to our part of town.  Both of us like our new found beach area.  A bit more than half way between Dugi Rat and Omis, there seems to be a little more space, the tourist seem to be a bit more calm and sand!  We found this area yesterday when we were driving to Omis looking for a place for me to get my hair cut.  I needed a hair cut when we left Kaiserslautern and I really need it now.) Stipe and his wife tell us that usually the number of people on the beach has started to decline by this time in August but it seems to still be high this year.

We've eaten dinner outside every evening since we have been here and breakfast most mornings too.  The weather has been perfect -- highs in the 80's, lows around 70' with no rain.  We are watching the Olympics when we can.  It is interesting to see what the are showing here even though we can't understand the commentary, we've watched quite a bit of Croatian volleyball, field events and water polo.

I had a dream last night that they called to tell me I couldn't retire and that I had to come back to be the principal at Sullivans High School.  After I exclaimed that there IS NO Sullivans High School the whole thing went in circles.  Was that a dream or a nightmare?

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