Sunday, August 21, 2016

Neyland, Pembrokeshire, Wales: 21 July 2016
Day 21

Mimi left today.  Justin and I took her to the train station in Milford Haven and then we headed to the grocery store.  I dreaded going to the grocery store when I taught home ec.  I had to keep track of the pantry at school separate from the pantry at home.  More recently, Justin has been doing all the shopping and I have totally been able to avoid the commissary all together.  Now, just when Justin thinks this process will go quickly, I want to lollygag and take time going up and down each aisle looking at all the different products.  I am finding this especially interesting in different countries.  So many new options!

I took some time today to look at the map not just of this trip, but all the traveling we've been able to do in the last two years.  That prompted me to start a list of countries.  In the last three years, Justin and I have been in the US and we've been to Japan, Germany, France, England, Scotland, Wales, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy (and Vatican City), Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, and Morocco.  Later this summer we will add at least Czech Republic and Croatia.  We are so, so fortunate!!!

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