Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dugi Rat, Croatia: 24 August 2016
Day 55

We went for a swim this morning before I went for a manicure and pedicure in the afternoon.  I headed out about an hour early fully expecting the 4 km drive to take about forty minutes.  That gave me time to pop into the Studenac grocery market for a few items.  Unlike previous trips, there was virtually no traffic.  We had heard that this was the end of tourist season and the change has been noticeable -- not profound, but noticeable.  This might increase our interest incoming back off season.

After I returned, we hung out on our beach, watched tv and had more watermelon and figs!  The figs are a different variety that those we have at home.  These are still green when ripe, sweet and delicious.  In Japan we got figs that were large and beautiful, but dry and mealy.  These are fabulous.  Yes, I confess, I've been known to nab a few from time to time when we are walking down the street.

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