Sunday, August 28, 2016

Prague, Czech Republic: 10 August 2106
Day 41

What a fabulous day!  After a leisurely start, we headed first to Richard's Kitchen for luncheon and then on to explore.  Our AirBnB is in new town, so named in the 14th century.  We explored and strolled through the streets and along the river getting a feel for the town.  We meandered and gawked.  Justin said early in the afternoon that he thought he liked Prague more than Budapest and in just a few hours he amended that to say that he even liked Prague more than Porto.  The buildings are very ornate and exquisite.  The city was never destroyed like so many we saw in Germany; one can see why the town is referred to as the heart of Europe.  There are spires in every direction as well as awe inspiring vistas.  I could easily spend 90 days here one summer or spring.  Mid-afternoon we had a traditional snack "trdlenik."  Made from a sweet yeast dough, thinly rolled tubes are wrapped around a cylinder and grilled, then rolled in cinnamon and sugar.  We watched two ladies make several dozen while waiting in line; I had an original one while Justin had one filled with chocolate cream.  Oh, my goodness. 

We walked along the Vltava River trying to take it all in as we got to the Charles Bridge.  There were lots of vendors but nothing distracted from the touristy yet beautiful setting.  On the opposite bank, we wandered through more open green spaces and found our way to the John Lennon Wall rather by accident. 

We had heard about the astronomical clock in old town and we made it there just in time to see the 9pm march of the Apostles.  Not so much compared to the glockenspiel in Munich, but a very interesting and rather complicated time piece from the 1400s.  Dials included tell not only the time today and the traditional Czech time but also the sign of the zodiac and the month.  After another traditional dinner (Czech board of ham, pork roast and sausage with dumplings and red and white kraut) we walked back to our part of town.  Over 15,000 steps today according to my fit bit.  I'll bet I would not have gotten that many in during a typical work day at the DSO. 

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