Sunday, August 21, 2016

Neyland, Pembrokeshire, Wales: 27 July 2016 
Day 27

Morning routine of checking email and working on blog. A bit more exciting than the laundry chores from yesterday.  Justin and I started watching Bloodline and got caught up in that right away.

 We took a boat trip this afternoon that was advertised as a Sea Safari.  Our boat left from Marloes beach and went out around Skomer and Skokholm islands.  We got suited up in waterproof suits.  They were large and bulky, but I was glad to have the extra layer for warmth.  We saw thousands of sea birds as we bounced around the bay.  We saw razorbills, gannets, guillemots, shearwaters and hundreds of puffins.  What precious little penguins.  We saw a few porpoises and several seals basking on the rocks.  The view of the shoreline from the boat offered fabulous perspective totally different from we've seen that last few days.  An added bonus was that it was toward the end of the day when the light in the sky was just spectacular.  There were a few kids on our boat and when the captain asked us how fast we wanted to go, they exclaimed "very fast".  We were treated to a bit of hot-dogging toward the end of our safari.  This sure was more fun on this boat than the sand dune bashing we did when we were in Dubai. 

Got my LES today ...zeroes... All zeroes!

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