Sunday, August 28, 2016

Amsterdam, Netherlands: 1 August 2016
Day 32

First stop today was Avebury to see stones.  This area, though not as well known, is much larger than Stonehenge.  The stones are not as intact since many were torn down (some by the church because it was an evil location and others by locals who used the materials to build homes).  We got there about 7:00am and other than the sheep, we were the only ones there.  We got to walk all around the stones and the entire area since it isn't blocked off at all.  Next on to Stonehenge.  We were fortunate in that we got there before many of the tour busses.  We didn't have enough time in the museum but how can you talk about time when you are around stones that have been in place for more than 4500 years?  We met a fun couple from Sonoma.  Like us, recently retired and like we want to do, they were on the road for nine months.  They too are traveling with a four-legged furry friend.

On the road to head to Calais for our ferry to Dunkirk.  We were scheduled for a 4pm departure but we were able to go at 2pm.  The three hour drive into Amsterdam went without a hitch.  We started the morning in England, took the ferry into France and then drove through Belgium to get into the Netherlands.  Four countries in one day!

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