Sunday, August 21, 2016

Corwen, Wales: 28 July 2016
Day 28

We headed to Northern Wales to Corwen today and to the Welsh National Sheepdog Trials.  We were on the road just a bit after 10am and on our way for the 3 and a half or so hour trip.
We stopped along the way to have a meat pie.  Justin chose lamb and mint and I chose vegetable curry.  The little brown paper bag was quite greasy by the time we were eating, but the savory treats were delicious.  After more spectacular scenery and as we got closer to Corwen, we began to see signs for the dog trials, headed that way, and stopped to watch for a few hours.  We met Nerys, a nice local lady who took time to explain some of the nuances of this dog world.  We should see her tomorrow too.  You'd never know this lady was in her seventies; she has been coming to these dog shows for over 60 years.  Gemma was very interested in all the other furry creatures and on her best behavior.

We arrived at Cobweb Cottage about 7:30 pm or so.  Our home for the next three days is an AirBnB that used to be an old bunk house now turned into a self-contained unit.  I'll be eager to explore the grounds in the daylight.  The property is on an unnamed road so we were dependent on latitude and longitude coordinates to get us here.  After giving us the welcome tour, Helen, our host, suggested we go to "The Goat" when we asked for a recommendation for dinner.  Only two miles away, it took us about twenty minutes to get there, only to learn they don't serve dinner on Thursdays.  We headed next to Bala and thankfully found a restaurant open as it was now quite late.  The nachos were calling to me as I need a Tex-Mex fix.  Instead, I opted for a local treat of leek-homity pie --  a potato, leek, honey pie in a hearty whole wheat crust.  Along with a side salad, it hit the spot.  Justin is quite enjoying the local ales and as much as he wanted another with his chicken Caesar salad entree he knew he had a beast of a drive home through more haystacks and down a newly graveled, quite steep path back to our cottage.

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