Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mons, Belgium: 4 August 2016
Day 35

Lorayne got home a bit after 11am after her flight being delayed in Chicago.  We were still asleep, but we got up and at it pretty quickly.  Lorayne's suitcases, mail and boxes she had mailed to herself from the states mixed with our laundry and unpacking the car means we had pretty much taken over the front part of the house.  Our time chatting and catching up was so enjoyable.  I had to fess up with Lorayne to tell her I had backed into a stone wall and scratched the bumper.  We put about 5,000 miles on the car in the past month.  We were so, so fortunate to be able to use her car.

We had dinner at Ken and Eileen's.  It was nice to eat home cooked food!  Georgia, Zeke and Gemma had a great time running and chasing each other in the backyard while we had steaks, baked potatoes and grilled asparagus.  After last night, it was a calm evening.  We headed home by nine; we'd done a good job of keeping Lorayne awake after her flight.

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