Monday, August 29, 2016

Krakow, Poland: 13 August 2016
Day 44

Justin had read about "white castles" outside of Kraków and that was on the list for today.  We drove outside of town in our search.  We found our way to Pieskowaskala Castle which is a branch of the Wawel Royal Castle in the old town.  The had a permanent exhibition of European art from the Middle Ages to mid 20th century that was most impressive.  They were very concerned about the preservation of the floors so in a pseudo-Japanese style, we were given slippers to put on over our shoes.  It was a bit cumbersome as you went from one set of rooms to the next you had to remove the slippers.  All in all, it was fine.  

Justin took advantage of the opportunity to have a real Polska kielbasa (sausage) at lunch.  We ate at a roadside stand; Justin had sausage, a sour kraut soup and I had goulash soup.  The traffic was consistent so the proprietors are probably doing just fine.

Later back in I town, we drove through the city center and old town before we headed back to the Jewish quarter for dinner.

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