Monday, August 29, 2016

Krakow, Poland: 14 August 2016
Day 45

Yogurt and granola for breakfast was accompanied by a meaningful chat about faith and the existence of God.  Justin and I have quite different views here just as we do in regard to politics.  We don't get into the nitty-gritty too often so this morning was particularly poignant.  Perhaps we were both already introspective given that we were headed to Auschwitz.  While we waited in line (for two hours) we got the free tickets to enter without a guide at 4:20pm.  By the time we got to the front ot of the line, the 4:20 option was the best available, so we sat under a crabapple tree and read and napped.  It was a quiet ride home.

Dinner at Rubenstein's Restaurant back in our neighborhood.  This dinner wasn't just good, it was great.  Justin started with scallops on fennel purée topped with grapefruit segments and followed with roasted duck in a black currant sauce served on a spinach and potato purée.  I started with a goat cheese cake on spinach sauce with chanterelles and followed with duck ravioli.  

 All in all, a strange day.  I don't think I took one single picture today.  I can't imagine looking at photos from Auschwitz on Apple TV and having them prompt memories of a fabulous day on vacation.  No, I'll rely on my memories rather than photos.

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