Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dugi Rat, Croatia:  16 August 2016. Tuesday
Day 47

Our first morning in Croatia; I had dreamed of this and now it was truly a reality!  We met with Stipe so he could share some info on where to go and what to do before we headed down the street to Kraljevic Grill.  Stipe called ahead to let the owner know we were on our way.  He cordially prepared a breakfast of fried and scrambled eggs, a cold meat and cheese platter, bread, butter and jam, coffee and tea.  Delish!  (I would learn later that breakfast fare is not very typical at all in at least this part of Croatia.)

We roamed around our beach for a bit before returning to our AirBnB  to get settled.  Mid to late afternoon we headed to the beach.  I dipped my toe but it was too cold to go much farther.  Justin was brave enough and went in for a swim. 

We enjoyed the sunset at a restaurant on the beach with a glass of wine and a beer followed by calamari on rocket greens.  A long walk home accompanied by an almost full moon.  I could get used to this.

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