Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dugi Rat, Croatia: 28 August 2016
Day 59

We drove north to Split today.  We continued our search for a sail boat to rent.  We've asked in almost every decent sized marina we've seen.  It is all about power boats here so we headed to the big city Split.  And we struck out... again.

We had a scrumptious lunch that was all about squid -- black ink risotto with squid and fried calamari-- super yummy!  Justin really enjoyed his Leffe beer.  He said it was the best beer he'd had since he'd been in Croatia.  He tried the local brew Pan and quickly moved on to Ozujsko.  He left that behind shortly to settle on Karlovacko.  The Belgium Leffe was a nice treat for him. 

Back in Dugi Rat we ended our day at our favorite sandy beach for a quick plunge, a round or two of cribbage and a beverage for sunset.  Ain't life grand!

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