Saturday, February 25, 2017

Wednesday, 22 February 2017: Celestun

Most mornings I get a carafe of coffee and bring it upstairs to help ease my way into the day.  And, most mornings Justin goes for a swim as his start to the day.  Today, after these morning rituals, we met up downstairs at Peter's for breakfast.  Sitting at another table, Carole overheard us talking about looking at property.  She is from Manchester, England and more recently from the Toronto area.  She has a house for sale here in Celestun but it is too expensive for us.  I am just nosey enough though to want to go see it  Perhaps more importantly, I learned about where to go for mani/pedi!

After our respite -- you know we've had a busy day already -- we walked to Sol y Mar Hotel to meet with "the Cuban". Herardo has been in Celestun for almost 30 years and he claims to have had the first hotel in town and therefore, he knows everyone... and their story.  With Herardo, we walked to look at the property that is owned by a former teacher in New Orleans.  Apparently his new partner doesn't like it here and he wants to sell.  The house has a great location and needs lots of TLC.  I am not sure we need to have fixer-uppers on two fronts.  But we will call and see.  The location is absolutely perfect!  Hands down!  If the price is right.

I made an appointment for a mani/pedi tomorrow.  Our afternoon on the beach was marked with relatively high winds.  Peter says the wind is up for three days after a northern front comes through.  If his theory holds, we will be back to our glassy bay on Friday. 

Dinner back at Los Pampanos -- yes, I can eat fresh seafood everyday.  I bought watermelon for dessert and finally found sunglasses (75 pesos -- $3.75).  The watermelon isn't as good as what we had in Greece and nothing is as good as Hempstead melons (you knew I had to get my plug in for Texas somewhere, right?) but for this evening, it was perfect!

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