Thursday, February 16, 2017

Monday, 13 February 2017: Celestun

Went to Nicht-ha for brunch.  This small, typical restaurant right on the square, suited us when we were here a few days ago.  Justin really liked their huevos rancheros and wanted that again.  I had camerone tacos.

We met a gentleman from Denmark as he was getting out of a pedicab with four women.  That could not have been a comfortable ride for anyone.  We are meeting interesting people as we travel.  Later, back in our room Justin looked online at property near Progreso.

Today we sorted out our property taxes on the property on the bay in Wisconsin.  Seems the address had not been updated and we didn't receive the notification.  Brussels, our part of Door county, requires that you pay the first installment to them directly and you can't pay online.  And, they don't send notification or information out electronically.  Jeez, welcome to the 21st century.  

We took a long walk down the beach and later returned to Nicht-ha for dinner.  Tonight we went for simple fare of camerone, pulpo and jaiba ceviche along with beans and rice.
We walked the long way around the square on the way back to our hotel.  I bought an ice cream popsicle, Justin bought a six pack of XX amber.  We came home and watched a few episodes of Suits before calling it a day.

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