Thursday, February 2, 2017

Wednesday, 25 January 2017: San Miguel de Allende

We all piled in the car and headed to the botanical gardens.  First stop however was the Liverpool shopping center.  Primary objective: dog food, poop bags and dishwashing soap. Liverpool is a department store similar to Penney's that is located in a shopping center with a large grocery store.  It was interesting to see the almost empty parking lot.  Wondering if the store was really opened, Mike explained that most shoppers arrived by cab.  

With purchases in hand, heading back to the car, I fell AGAIN!  This is getting quite old.  Same knee, same exact spot.  This time I wrenched my wrist up too.  Back in the car to turn into a puddle, I don't think Justin and Mike knew what to do with me.  We had stopped on the way out of town at a lookout point so we headed back to town for lunch there.  We arrived at La Mirador in time for brunch and while my knee hurt like a hummer, our brunch was fabulous.  Justin had huevas al la mirador, so named for the look-out point and the name of the restaurant.  I had huevos a la abuela.  Now I figure that my "grandmother's eggs" could be just about anything and I can guarantee Mamaw's eggs were never like this. These were a Mexican eggs Benedict of a toasted biscuit topped with a fried egg and topped with a sour cream/creama sauce with ham, bacon, onion and parsley.  The lady who owns the restaurant indicated it was her own recipe and I can't wait to make it one of my own.

My fall nixed the trip to the botanical gardens.  Instead I wanted to go home to nurse my wounds.  After a nap though, Justin and I headed out for an evening of music.  Our first stop was Tio Lucas for an early and quick dinner where we had a Roquefort salad prepared table side and a scrumptious scallop carpaccio.  We walked across the steet to the Theatro Angela Peralta
for a jazz concert. The theater was opened in 1873 as an opera house and today hosts all sorts of musical events both traditional and modern.  Billed as a trio, there were several visiting artists so we got a grand show.  Pete and Kathleen from upstairs at our condo were there too and they joined us at Pueblo Viejo afterwards.  We were able to introduce them to our favorite cameron and jicama tacos as well as the musicians.  We knew this would be our last chance to come here so we took advantage.  Mike had planned to go out this evening to find his favorite music, reggae-tong.  He didn't find success however as he said the town was just too sleepy.

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