Monday, February 13, 2017

Thursday, 2 February 2017: Cuidad del Carmen

A lazy day at the beach.  I read my book, I worked on our blog, I crushed candy... just like a typical day at work at the DSO, right?  Right.

I picked up our laundry -- 85 pesos.  Yep, that's still $4.25 for wash, dry and fold.  It was ready at 7:00am, but not surprisingly, I didn't pick it up until well after 10am.

Justin read news stories to me and I am actually learning a bit about politics and our economy.  We met some of the neighbors.  The owner, Raju, was Indian, born in Singapore and then moved to Mexico about 40 years ago.  He worked on the oil rigs and then started buying property.  He said he has another smaller hotel in town but prefers to be on the beach.  His son runs the restaurant upstairs.  Our next door neighbors are Spanish and the couple down the way are Australian.  Most of the rooms upstairs have been converted to dormitory-like rooms for the oil crews but since those platforms are dormant now, Raju says the rooms will wait.

In the afternoon, we took a longer walk down the beach.  The small shacks remind me of those on the beaches in Japan.  They spring up each year for the "season" and they are gone just as fast.  Nothing permanent about these structures at all, but people seem to eek out a business.    None of these places seem to have electricity for anything other than food prep so business is over when the sun goes down.  Time to head home ...

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