Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Monday, 30 January 2017: Coatzacoulas

Today is Jan 30.  We left Austin one month ago.  We are so fortunate to be able to take this journey!  After a late breakfast in our hotel, eggs made to order, frijoles, juice, coffee and toast, we decided to stay another night.  We headed today to the Museo Arqueologia Olmec only to learn that it was closed.  And it looked like it had been closed for a while.  These heads and the Olmec culture are the main reason we even came to this town and we are striking out except for the ones that are displayed in parks and along the esplanades.  Fortunately, this town has plenty of public art.  The entire Malecon (boardwalk) and most of the larger roads are enhanced with not only Olmec art, but also seahorses, turtles, birds, manatees, mermaids, etc.  some are made of stone and others are cast metal.  It certainly does add a nice touch to the seaside town.

Rainy today.  We hadn't seen much rain since we've been here. After  looking at real estate on the internet, we spent a good bit of time driving around, looking at the neighborhoods in town.  We drove up the coast a bit too.  Could we live here?  How much would it cost?  Did they ever finish those houses?  Are they still working on those?  Can they find a bucket of paint?  I find that I am still programmed to think that a building brightly painted might just be a Mexican restaurant.  But, since many of the houses are painted in similar fashion, I need to let go of my preconceived ideas.

Time for grooming for Gemma this afternoon.  I brushed and combed her out then Justin was on bath and trimming duty.  We bought a new trimmer when we were in Green Bay and we might need to buy another already.  Perhaps from all the jostling in the trunk of the car, who knows, but the trimmer was really, really loud.  The security guy came upstairs to see what all the racket was about.  He probably thought the building was going to implode.  Ten more minutes... five more minutes ...   As a break from Mexican fare, we had a pizza delivered for dinner.

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