Thursday, February 2, 2017

Friday, 27 January 2017: Veracruz

Car packed and on the road headed north before 7:00am.  Justin and I can laze away a day from time to time, but when we are ready to be on the road, we can get up and get with the program when we are motivated.  Driving on these Mexican highways reminded me of driving in Houston on 610 and I-10 where you are vying for precious lane space with a hundred 18-wheelers who are on a schedule.  It also reminded me of the potholes on Navigation where you could fall in and never come out.  I took a wrong turn or rather, missed a turn at one point.  It cost us 40 minutes and a bit of fretting.  We are thinking about getting a thunder vest for Gemma.  She has always hated fireworks and we are learning that she hates the potholes and bumpy roads more than we do.  She is rather stressed out from time to time.   

Upon arrival in Veracruz, we headed for our hotel.  Or, rather, I thought we headed for our hotel.  I had the GPS programmed wrongly and we were in a part of town that looked like, well, the barrio.  We walked around for a while and finally, things started to click.  With the correct address programmed, we were able to head toward the water and our real hotel.  Parked and checked in at the Oriente Hotel and Suites we set out to explore.  First the Zocolo or park in the center or town.  Lots of trees and three to four-storied baroque style buildings contrast with the newer Pemex skyscraper a mile or so away.  Several marimba bands and the obligatory mariachis competed for our attention as did the "vendors" that went from table to table.  This evening there was even a performance of the symphonic band from the Naval Academy that is located here in Veracruz. 

Justin and I enjoyed our beverage before we sauntered down the "malecon" or boardwalk.  The goods for sale look vary similar from town to town, but here, we are on the water.  We've been waiting for this.  This part of town is rather industrial, but a walk of less than 20 minutes and we did find some beach.  I was intent on dipping my toe, but that was all for today as now it is time for dinner.  Of course, seafood Veracruz was the order of the day.  We found a restaurant with outside tables so we could eat and watch the people. 

Our hotel was centrally located and very near areas of interest for tourists.  We had a city view from the fourth floor.  What that means in real time is noisy at night.  The traffic noise did taper off around midnight but the music from the pub downstairs was constant until about 4:30am.  Somebody was having a good time but not those of us trying to sleep.

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