Thursday, February 16, 2017

Saturday, 11 February 2017: Celestun

A steet vendor started making announcements for fresh fish way too early this morning.  It seemed like it was every 10 to 12 minutes apart, but it was probably 30 minutes apart...still too close together and way too annoying.  Fresh fish.  Fresh octopus, shrimp and crab......very annoying.

Justin brought me coffee in bed.  What a guy!  The coffee here is French press and that is pretty good to begin with.  When it is served in bed it is even better.  Downstairs for breakfast, while waiting for Justin to return from his morning swim, I started chatting with a guy from Canada who has a house for sale.  I started by asking about long term rental but we ended up talking about all the infrastructure around Celestun -- roads being built, water sources, electrical upgrades, etc -- and that went to crime, corruption, a bit about his family and then we were at a point to set an appointment to see his house tomorrow morning.  After that lengthy conversation, we chatted with Peter, the Swiss owner of the restaurant who also shared his insights to owning and building in this area.

83' and sunny this morning and heading up to 91' today.  Wow!  Time to explore.  We spent the afternoon driving north on the beach road, Calle 12, looking at properties for sale and for rent.  That journey led us the 12km to Hotel Xixim which was the hotel we had spotted for our stay here.  Since the rooms were $200 a night, our plan was to stay there for two or three nights as celebration stay for Justin's birthday and Valentine's Day.  We got sidetracked in our stay at Hotel Guitierrez so it was good to check it out.  Each bungalow is private and separate and the grounds are fabulous and natural.  We looked at a few of the suites and had a drink by the pool.  None of the rooms have AC, television or wifi in keeping with the ecologically green and relaxing intent of the facility.  We also stopped by another hotel, Playa Maya.  These rooms are only $80 a night and we may go back there on Monday to meet with the Canadian owner to see about their condos.  It is a hobby, right?

Back to our side of town and at our favorite restaurant in time for sunset.

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