Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday, 6 February 2017: Campeche

We took a cab into town in time for a bit of exploring before lunch.  The cab driver was reluctant to pick us up when he saw Gemma.  "What if she pee-pee?"  When I reassured him I would clean up any messes he acquiesced.  

We started at the Zocolo, or in this case, Independence Square.  There is a McDonalds here, right smack dab in the city's historic center -- bright shiny glass storefront.  They did not do as good a job in preserving the historical center here as they did in San Miguel de Allende where there is a Starbucks but it is located in a old and protected building.
We wandered around taking in the sites and being drawn to the pastel painted buildings that define this part of the town.  At Casa No. 6, a very fashionable address during the 17 - 19th centuries, we were able to view what life was like for a wealthy Campechano family before the revolution.  The building, much of the furniture, some clothing, etc is exhibited today in this museum.  One of the bedrooms is a gift shop and the tourist information kiosk is in the foyer.  The city has done a great job in this respect with renovation, restoration and conservation.

After our late lunch, we grabbed a local hamburgesa for dinner before a fabulous chocolate drink for dessert.  Mexican chocolate is a bit more coarse, more spicy and not as sweet as what we think of as traditional American chocolate.  Our drinks were yummy and their consumption certainly sealed the deal that we'd walk home rather than taking a cab.

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