Thursday, February 16, 2017

Friday, 10 February 2017: Celestun

It's Friday!  Oh, that doesn't nearly have the same meaning it had just seven short months ago.  Today it meant I needed to go down to the beach in search of coffee before Justin and I found a different restaurant for breakfast.  Somewhere around nine o'clock and I needed to determine if I wanted huevos rancheros or huevos con tocino or jamon -- these were tough decisions!

Next on the agenda was swim and a walk along the beach.  Then writing on the blog, reading, and, of coarse, crushing a bit of candy.  I finished my book.  Eileen and Lorayne suggested Ken Follet's "Pillars of the Earth" when I was in Belgium in August.  The historical fiction novel, set in mid 12th century England, documents the building of a cathedral.  I certainly did enjoy it.  Next, I think I'll start a book on Mexico.  My history is grossly weak; I'll see what I can find.

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