Monday, February 13, 2017

Sunday, 5 February 2017: Campeche

Breakfast was included with our room but, unlike typical continental breakfasts or even buffet breakfast, we were to order off the menu.  Justin made an excellent choice this morning but since we don't know what it was called, we'll need to be on the look out for another similar dish.  Tostado on the bottom topped with a bit of beans then a salsa, (almost Italian) with ham, peas, cheese and plantains.  My huevos rancheros was delicious but mundane in comparison.

After breakfast a long walk on the beach was in store.  When we returned to the car, we were laden with sea shells.  I can't wait for a good opportunity to go through them all as I doubt it is realistic to cart them all home.
Campeche was a short trip north and we took the "libre" (free) road rather than the "cuota" (toll) road.  Our goal was to arrive in Campeche in time to settle into our hotel before the Super Bowl.  We did look at a few hotels and then we found a house for rent.  We called the number, talked to the guy and arranged to meet him at the house in 15 minutes.  The price for the monthly rental was right; heck, we could even stay for only two weeks and still come out ok.  Right across the street from the beach and the Malecon, plenty of nearby restaurants, yes, this would have worked very nicely.  As it turned out, the house was not furnished (breakdown in communication) so we settled on the King Carlos V hotel.  Dinner at Applebee's where, judging from the marquee, we assumed the game would be in English.  No go -- good thing we know the game.  

Now we need to decide if we are going to stay in Campeche for a while and get to know the city or are we going to continue north into the Yucatán and find new roads to travel? 

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