Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sunday, 19 February 2017: merida

We hopped in a cab and headed into town for lunch.  Even though our hotel is not too far out, it is too far to walk (and it is too hot without the breeze from the shore) and cabs are so much easier than driving and parking.  When we were in Campeche, we could count on the cab fare being right about 40 pesos.  Here, the price may be 60 pesos or it may be 110 pesos.  Since there are no meters, we must rely on what they say.  Typically I adjust the tip accordingly since I know I am not being charged for a late night fare or extra luggage fare. 

Justin was interested in street food. We found the mother load!  Street vendors, market, people... we found it all.  After fried hotdogs, potato chips and French fries served together in a cup we tried the street version of panuchos and the tamale colados we had had yesterday.  We weren't disappointed.  I also ordered "agua limon."  When my lemon water came it was in a plastic water bottle with the cap screwed back on -- I called it "risky water."  It tasted great and it was cool and refreshing... we will see.

Man it is hot.  Hot!  I think Justin said the high was 96' today.  Gemma was a mess.  Poor little girl who has to wear her fur coat everywhere she goes.  We stopped for ice cream and offered her water.  I know she drank three little bowlfuls before she even slowed down. 
The streets around square were closed off so we took the opportunity to watch the dancers and street performers in their element. 

Back to our hotel room to cool off and take a siesta... now I understand.  With maps and ipads at the ready, we planned our route for the remainder of our trip... or at least a tentative plan.  We walked to a Brazilian BBQ place for dinner but had the salads only.  I must admit that I've never seen a sushi roll topped with salami.  And, I've seen birthday celebrations in restaurants with a cupcake, silly hat and song however, I'd never seen a celebration that included a birthday shot.  Wow!

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