Saturday, February 25, 2017

Thursday, 23 February 2017: Celestun

"Hey man.  Houz it goin?"
"Oh my god!"  "Oh my god!"
Thus began the day.

Justin went for swim and I went down to have coffee to wait for him.  Not long after he sat down, another individual joined our table.  Soon we were four for a glorious day.  Ian, long time friend of Justin's son Erich and former student of Justin's (3rd and 4th grade, I think) and his girlfriend Adriana knew that Justin was somewhere in Mexico.  Half-way through his breakfast he looked across the restaurant here in tiny, sleepy Celestun, and said to Adriana "That's Erich's dad." 

Ian left Green Bay long ago and is now teaching high school ELA in Brooklyn and Adraina works for an elite contracting firm in NYC.  We talked for hours, went for a swim and talked more.  They had planned to spend the day in Progresso but when we told then that the beaches were better here, they delayed their travel plans to spend the day here and with us.  We took them to Los Pampanos where Adriana had a lobster lunch and we all proceeded to welcome the afternoon with various adult beverages.  (Why didn't I take any pictures? ! ? ! )

Ian and Adriana hit the road late afternoon with promises that we will connect in Green Bay this summer.  Their departure left Justin (and me) with an ear to ear grin.  It truly is rewarding to get validation that one has had a positive impact.  Justin says that, like Thanksgiving, this was just one of those days that you never want to end.  With grilled fish for dinner and another glorious sunset -- I must say that I agree.

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