Thursday, February 23, 2017

Saturday, 18 February 2017: Merida

We started watching Black Sails last night so we slept too late this morning to catch breakfast at our hotel.  I did get coffee though and took Gemma out for a quick walk.  Justin has been waiting to start this series and since we finished Suits for this season, the timing was good.  The jury is out on whether we'll continue, but for now ... 

We took a cab into the centro for dinner and drinks of traditional Yucatán food.  When I lived in Clear Lake, I enjoyed a restaurant called Merida.  Quite different from typical Tex-Mex, I was eager to compare their fare to traditional offerings.  I wasn't disappointed with panuchos; corn tortillas stuffed with black beans topped with marinated shredded turkey, pickled onions, lettuce, tomato, avocado and cilantro.  We also had had a tamale type dish that was heavenly.  The dough for Tamales Colados is strained, therefore very fine and almost fluffy and more like polenta than what I think of as tamales.  Rolled, stuffed and then baked in banana leaves, the dish is much more elegant (?) than traditional tamales.  Topped with a tomato and onion sauce - delish!

After dinner we had drinks in the park to people watch.  Cab back home to rescue Gemma and then settle down to a bit more Black Sails.  I also connected our Apple TV so we can look at some of our pictures.  No photos to post today because, clearly, I need to do some editing.

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