Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday, 21 April 2019: Brussels

Justin was on onion chopping detail this morning.  I was ready to make a batch of onion marmalade.   (I made some two years ago that was scrumptious but I don’t know which recipe I followed so this time I sort of made it up on my own.) 

That will be for later but today I also made onion shortcake and asparagus to go with our ham. I even tried my hand at Beverley’s 60 minute rolls.  I hadn’t made them in maybe 25 years.  They were delicious. I made deviled eggs but forgot to serve them so they’ll be delicious tomorrow.   I started with mimosas early in the day and Justin enjoyed his Oban.  We watched tv a bit.  We totally enjoyed the day.  

Easter and Springtime.  No, we didn’t go to church.  I said my prayers of thanksgiving and had a chat with God while I was out by the water.  It will be awhile before it is what I call truly spring here but there are promising signs.  The bulbs we planted are trying to push there way up through the soil.  A few birds sing their songs of springtime.  The days are longer and the temps are warmer, a bit.  I raked a good bit of the front yard; with all the deer scat in our yard we should be set for fertilizer.

I was reminded that it was three years ago at Easter brunch at David and Susan Hemmer’s in Kaiserslautern where Justin and I first shared the news that we’d taken VSIP and VERA and that we were retiring.  Three years!!!

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